El 20 de enero de 2020 el CFPI volvió a acoger a nuevos voluntarios dentro del programa de Colaboradores Internacionales.
En esta ocasión recibimos a 13 voluntarios procedentes de Nueva Zelanda, Canadá y Australia que colaborarán en la Sección Bilingüe de centros públicos de primaria en Ávila, Burgos, León, Segovia, Salamanca, Soria y Valladolid. Los voluntarios recibieron información sobre el sistema educativo de la región, el funcionamiento de las secciones bilingües y se les mostró ejemplos de los ejercicios más frecuentes que se pueden llevar a cabo en el aula.
Ese mismo día conocieron a los coordinadores de sus centros, quienes también recibieron información sobre el programa y protocolos de actuación.
On January 20th, our center became, once again, the meeting point of our international volunteers and the Spanish coordinators.
13 volunteers from New Zealand, Canada and Australia, are going to assist teachers and students in public schools located in Ávila, Burgos, León, Segovia, Salamanca, Soria and Valladolid.
CFPI Language teachers trainers gave volunteers information about our education system, biligualism, and showed them an array of typical exercises and resources they can use in class.
On the other hand, Spanish coordinators were also briefed on the program.
On January 20th, our center became, once again, the meeting point of our international volunteers and the Spanish coordinators.
13 volunteers from New Zealand, Canada and Australia, are going to assist teachers and students in public schools located in Ávila, Burgos, León, Segovia, Salamanca, Soria and Valladolid.
CFPI Language teachers trainers gave volunteers information about our education system, biligualism, and showed them an array of typical exercises and resources they can use in class.
On the other hand, Spanish coordinators were also briefed on the program.
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